
assetutil(1)                 General Commands Manual                assetutil(1)

     assetutil process asset catalog .car files

     assetutil [-ViotshMgpTZ] inputfile

     assetutil processes a .car file generated from a image catalog removing
     requested scale factors, device idioms, subtypes, performance and memory
     classes. When thinning scale, idiom, subtype, performance, memory, and
     graphicsclassfallbacks can be given multiple times, the resulting file will
     contain all of the assets that match all of the parameters given. If scale,
     idiom, subtype and graphics class are given in one set, the same parameters
     must all be present in the subsequent set of parmeters. (IE the count must

     A list of flags and their descriptions:

     -V       version information for assetutil

     -I       Produce a JSON description of the asset catalog object with the
              given name to --output directory if given or to stdout if no
              output path given. If no name is provided, report on the contents
              of the entire car file.

     -i       Keep all assets that have idiom that is given on the command line.

     -s       Keep all assets that have scale factor that is given on the
              command line, present scale factors will not be removed if there
              is no fallback available.

     -p       Keep all assets that have the display gamut that is given on the
              command line, present display gamuts  will not be removed if there
              is no fall back available.

     -M       Keep all assets that have memory class that is given on the
              command line, present memory class will not be removed if there is
              no fallback available.

     -g       Keep all assets that have graphics class that is given on the
              command line. The present graphics class will not be removed if
              there is no fallback available.

     -h       process the hosted idioms list, this is a list of the idioms that
              must always be preserved in the car file. This list cannot contain
              universal, and the different idioms should be given in a comma
              separated list.

     -i       Idiom to keep. Can be one of universal/phone/pad.

     -t       Subtype to keep (integer)

     -c       Main file used to supply the names of the assets to the
              -I (--info) and the dump options -d (--dump) and -D (--dump-

     -o       Output file name, if no output file is given then input file is

     -T       compare thinning attributes
              will print to stdout if the files was thinned with the above
              thinning attributes, would the same Asset file result in both

     -n       given a comma separated list of names, any assets in the car file
              that match one of the given names are preserved. Names are
              compared case insensitivly Name == name, uses the -o --output file
              to save the resulting .car file.

     -Z       do an integrity check of the input file.

Darwin                          November 13, 2019                         Darwin