
log(1)                       General Commands Manual                      log(1)

     log – Access system wide log messages created by os_log, os_trace and other
     logging systems.

     log [command [options]]

     log help [command]

     log collect [--output path] [--start date/time] [--size num [k|m]]
         [--last num [m|h|d]]
         [--device | --device-name name | --device-udid UDID]

     log config [--reset | --status] [--mode mode(s)]
         [--subsystem name [--category name]] [--process pid]

     log erase [--all] [--ttl]

     log show [--archive archive | --file file] [--predicate filter]
         [--process pid | process] [--source]
         [--style default | compact | json | ndjson | syslog]
         [--color auto | always | none] [--start date/time] [--end date/time]
         [--[no-]info] [--[no-]debug] [--[no-]pager] [--[no-]signpost]
         [--last time [m|h|d]] [--timezone local | timezone]

     log stats [--archive archive] [--sort events | bytes] [--count count | all]
         [--overview | --per-book | --per-file | --sender sender | --process process | --predicate predicate]

     log stream [--level default | info | debug] [--predicate filter]
         [--process pid | process] [--source]
         [--style default | compact | json | syslog]
         [--color auto | always | none] [--timeout time [m|h|d]]
         [--type activity | log | trace]

     log is used to access system wide log messages created by os_log, os_trace
     and other logging systems.  Some commands require root privileges.

     Available commands and their options:

     help         General help or help specific to command argument

     collect      Collect the system logs into a .logarchive that can be viewed
                  later with tools such as log or Console.  If an output path is
                  not specified, system_logs.logarchive will be created in the
                  current directory.

                  --output path    Save the archive to the specified path or
                                   file.  If the path is a directory, a file
                                   named system_logs.logarchive will be created
                                   in the specified directory.  If the path
                                   contains the extension .logarchive, a new
                                   logarchive will be created with that name at
                                   the specified path.

                  --start date/time
                                   Limits the content capture to the date and
                                   time forward to now.  The following date/time
                                   formats are accepted: "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM-
                                   DD HH:MM:SS", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSZZZZZ"

                  --last num [m|h|d]
                                   Limits the captured events to the period
                                   starting at the given interval ago from the
                                   current time.  Time is assumed in seconds
                                   unless specified.  Example: "--last 2m" or
                                   "--last 3h"

                  --size num [k|m]
                                   The amount of data to be captured in
                                   kilobytes or megabytes.  This is an
                                   approximation, as the actual size may be more
                                   than requested.  Example: "--size 100k" or
                                   "--size 20m"

                  --device         Collect system logs from paired device (first
                                   device found).

                  --device-name name
                                   Collect system logs from paired device with
                                   the given name.

                  --device-udid UDID
                                   Collect system logs from paired device with
                                   the given UDID.

     config       Configure, reset or read settings for the logging system.
                  config commands can act system-wide or on a subsystem.  If not
                  specified, system-wide is assumed.  If subsystem is specified,
                  category is optional.  Requires root access.

                  --reset | --status
                                   Option to show or reset the current settings
                                   for the system or a specific subsystem.  If
                                   reset or status is not specified, a change to
                                   the configuration is assumed.  For example,
                                   "log config --reset --subsystem
                                   com.mycompany.mysubsystem" will reset the
                                   subsystem to its default settings.  "log
                                   config --status" will show the current
                                   system-wide logging settings.  "log config
                                   --mode "level: default"" will set the system
                                   log level to default.

                  --subsystem name
                                   Set or get mode for a specified subsystem.

                  --category name  Set or get mode for a specified category.  If
                                   category is supplied, subsystem is required.

                  --process pid    Set mode for a specified pid.

                  --mode mode(s)   Will enable given mode.  Modes include:

                                   level: {off | default | info | debug} The
                                   level is a hierarchy, e.g. debug implies
                                   debug, info, and default.

                                   persist: {off | default | info | debug} The
                                   persist mode is a hierarchy, e.g. debug
                                   implies debug, info, and default.

     erase        Delete selected log data from the system.  If no arguments are
                  specified, the main log datastore and inflight log data will
                  be deleted.

                  --all            Deletes main log datastore, and inflight log
                                   data as well as time-to-live data (TTL), and
                                   the fault and error content.

                  --ttl            Deletes time-to-live log content.

     show         Shows contents of the system log datastore, archive or a
                  specific tracev3 file.  If a file or archive is not specified,
                  the system datastore will be shown.  If it is from a future
                  system version that log cannot understand, it exits with
                  EX_DATAERR (65) and an error message.  The output contains
                  only default level messages unless --info and/or --debug are
                  specified.  The output does not contain signposts unless
                  --signpost is specified.

                  --archive archive
                                   Display events stored in the given archive.
                                   The archive must be a valid log archive
                                   bundle with the suffix .logarchive.

                  --file file      Display events stored in the given .tracev3
                                   file.  In order to be decoded, the file must
                                   be contained within a valid .logarchive
                                   bundle, or part of the system logs directory.

                  --[no-]pager     Enable or disable pagination of output via

                  --predicate filter
                                   Filters messages based on the provided
                                   predicate, based on NSPredicate.  A compound
                                   predicate or multiple predicates can be
                                   provided.  See section "PREDICATE-BASED
                                   FILTERING" below.

                  --process pid | process
                                   The process on which to operate.  This option
                                   can be passed more than once to operate on
                                   multiple processes.

                  --source         Include symbol names and source line numbers
                                   for messages, if available.

                  --style style    Control the output formatting of events:

                                   default   Human readable output.  ISO-8601
                                             date (microsecond precision and
                                             timezone offset), thread ID, log
                                             type, activity ID, process ID, TTL,
                                             process, subsystem, category and
                                             message content.

                                   compact   Compact human readable output.
                                             ISO-8601 date (millisecond
                                             precision), abbreviated log type,
                                             process, processID, thread ID,
                                             subsystem, category and message
                                             content.  This output uses less
                                             horizontal space to indicate event
                                             metadata than the default style.

                                   json      JSON output.  Event data is
                                             synthesized as an array of JSON

                                   ndjson    Line-delimited JSON output.  Event
                                             data is synthesized as JSON
                                             dictionaries, each emitted on a
                                             single line.  A trailing record,
                                             identified by the inclusion of a
                                             "finished" field, is emitted to
                                             indicate the end of events.

                                   syslog    syslog-style output intended to be
                                             more compatible with the output
                                             format used by syslog(1).

                  --color auto | always | none
                                   Control the display of colorized output.  By
                                   default, log will disable colorized output
                                   when not directed to a terminal, unless
                                   overidden using always.

                  --start date/time
                                   Shows content starting from the provided
                                   date.  The following date/time formats are
                                   accepted: "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM-DD
                                   HH:MM:SS", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSZZZZZ"

                  --end date/time  Shows content up to the provided date.  The
                                   following date/time formats are accepted:
                                   "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "YYYY-
                                   MM-DD HH:MM:SSZZZZZ"

                  --last time[m|h|d] | boot
                                   Shows events that occurred within the given
                                   time relative to the end of the log archive,
                                   or beginning at the last boot contained
                                   within the log archive.  Time may be
                                   specified as minutes, hours or days.  Time is
                                   assumed in seconds unless specified.
                                   Example: "--last 2m" or "--last 3h"

                  --timezone local | timezone
                                   Displays content in the local timezone, or a
                                   specified timezone (see tzset(3)).  If not
                                   specified, the output is displayed in the
                                   timezone at the time the entry was written to
                                   source archive or file.

                  --[no-]info      Disable or enable info level messages in the
                                   output.  (By default info messages are not

                  --[no-]debug     Disable or enable debug level messages in the
                                   output.  (By default debug messages are not

                  --[no-]signpost  Disable or enable display of signposts in the
                                   output.  (By default signposts are not

     stats        Shows a breakdown of the events contained within a log
                  datastore or archive.  The following options can be supplied
                  to all modes of log stats:

                  --archive archive       Display statistics for events stored
                                          in the given archive.  The archive
                                          must be a valid log archive bundle
                                          with the suffix .logarchive.

                  --sort events | bytes   Sort tabulated data output by number
                                          of events, or number of bytes.

                  --count count | all     Limit tabulated data to the given
                                          number of lines, or all displays all
                                          entries in tables.

                  --style human | json    Control the format style of the
                                          requested output mode.

                  In addition, one of the following output modes can be

                  --overview              Displays statistics for the entire

                  --per-book              Displays statistics per log book, the
                                          subsections of a log archive.

                  --per-file              Displays statistics per file in the

                  --sender sender         Displays statistics for a given sender
                                          image name.

                  --process process       Displays statistics for a given
                                          originating process.

                  --predicate predicate   Displays statistics for all events
                                          matching the given predicate.

     stream       Stream activities, log data or trace messages for the system
                  or from a given process.  By default, the command assumes
                  system-wide streaming.  Specifying a process id with the
                  --process option will narrow the results.

                  --level default | info | debug
                                   Shows messages at specified level and below.
                                   The level is a hierarchy.  Specifying debug
                                   implies debug, info and default.

                  --predicate filter
                                   Filters messages using the provided predicate
                                   based on NSPredicate.  A compound predicate
                                   or multiple predicates can be provided.  See
                                   section "PREDICATE-BASED FILTERING" below.

                  --process pid | process
                                   The process on which to operate.  This option
                                   can be passed more than once to operate on
                                   multiple processes.

                  --style default | compact | json | syslog
                                   Output the content as a different style.

                  --color auto | always | none
                                   Highlight certain types of log messages.  In
                                   auto, highlighting will be disabled if the
                                   output is detected to be non-TTY.

                  --source         Include symbol names and source line numbers
                                   for messages, if available.

                  --timeout time [m|h|d]
                                   Timeout the stream operation after a
                                   specified time, e.g. "--timeout 5m",
                                   "--timeout 1h" If minutes, hours, days not
                                   specified, seconds will be used.

                  --type activity | log | trace
                                   Dictates the type of events to stream from a
                                   process.  By default all types are streamed
                                   unless otherwise specified.  Pass an
                                   appropriate --type for each requested type of

     Using predicate-based filters via the --predicate option allows users to
     focus on messages based on the provided filter criteria.  For detailed
     information on the use of predicate based filtering, please refer to the
     Predicate Programming Guide:

     The filter argument defines one or more pattern clauses following
     NSPredicate rules.  See log help predicates for the full list of supported
     keys.  Supported keys include:

     eventType          The type of event: activityCreateEvent,
                        activityTransitionEvent, logEvent, signpostEvent,
                        stateEvent, timesyncEvent, traceEvent and

     eventMessage       The pattern within the message text, or activity name of
                        a log/trace entry.

     messageType        For logEvent and traceEvent, the type of the message
                        itself: default, info, debug, error or fault.

     process            The name of the process the originated the event.

     processImagePath   The full path of the process that originated the event.

     sender             The name of the library, framework, kernel extension, or
                        mach-o image, that originated the event.

     senderImagePath    The full path of the library, framework, kernel
                        extension, or mach-o image, that originated the event.

     subsystem          The subsystem used to log an event.  Only works with log
                        messages generated with os_log(3) APIs.

     category           The category used to log an event.  Only works with log
                        messages generated with os_log(3) APIs.  When category
                        is used, the subsystem filter should also be provided.

     Filter for specific subsystem:
      log show --predicate 'subsystem == "com.example.my_subsystem"'

     Filter for specific subsystem and category:
      log show --predicate '(subsystem == "com.example.my_subsystem") && (category == "desired_category")'

     Filter for specific subsystem and categories:
      log show --predicate '(subsystem == "com.example.my_subsystem") && (category IN { "category1", "category2" })'

     Filter for a specific subsystem and sender(s):
      log show --predicate '(subsystem == "com.example.my_subsystem") && ((senderImagePath ENDSWITH "mybinary") || (senderImagePath ENDSWITH "myframework"))'


     log show system_logs.logarchive --predicate 'subsystem == "com.example.subsystem" and category contains "CHECK"'

     Timestamp                       Thread     Type        Activity     PID
     2016-06-13 11:46:37.248693-0700 0x7c393    Default     0x0          10371  timestamp: [com.example.subsystem.CHECKTIME] Time is 06/13/2016 11:46:37

     log show --predicate 'processImagePath endswith "hidd" and senderImagePath contains[cd] "IOKit"' --info

     Timestamp                       Thread     Type        Activity     PID
     2016-06-10 13:54:34.593220-0700 0x250      Info        0x0          113    hidd: (IOKit) [com.apple.iohid.default] Loaded 6 HID plugins

     The following environment variables affect the execution of log:

     LOG_COLORS                   Controls the color of text output from log
                                  show.  This string is a concatenation of pairs
                                  of the format fb, where f is the foreground
                                  color and b is the background color.

                                  The color designators are as follows:

                                        a     black
                                        b     red
                                        c     green
                                        d     brown
                                        e     blue
                                        f     magenta
                                        g     cyan
                                        h     light grey
                                        A     bold black, usually shows up as
                                              dark grey
                                        B     bold red
                                        C     bold green
                                        D     bold brown, usually shows up as
                                        E     bold blue
                                        F     bold magenta
                                        G     bold cyan
                                        H     bold light grey; looks like bright
                                        x     default foreground or background

                                  Note that the above are standard ANSI colors.
                                  The actual display may differ depending on the
                                  color capabilities of the terminal in use.

                                  The order of the attributes are as follows:

                                        1.   timestamp
                                        2.   thread identifier
                                        3.   event type
                                        4.   activity identifier
                                        5.   process identifier
                                        6.   time-to-live
                                        7.   process name
                                        8.   sender image name
                                        9.   subsystem
                                        10.  category
                                        11.  event message
                                        12.  highlight color

                                  The default is "xxxxxxxxxxxxFxdxcxExxxxA",
                                  i.e. bold magenta process name, yellow sender,
                                  green subsystem, bold blue category and dark
                                  grey background for highlighted lines.

     LOG_STYLE                    Control the default output style of log show:
                                  default, compact, json or syslog.

     OS_ACTIVITY_MODE             Change the mode of launched processes to:
                                  info    Enables info level messages.  Does not
                                          override logging Preferences that have
                                          info level disabled.
                                  debug   Enables debug level messages which
                                          includes info level messages.  Does
                                          not override logging Preferences that
                                          have info level or debug level

     OS_ACTIVITY_STREAM           Change the type of streaming enabled.
                                  live    Live streaming from the process using

     OS_ACTIVITY_PROPAGATE_MODE   If set, will propagate the mode settings via

     You can control the execution of log show and log stream with a
     configuration file located at ~/.logrc.  Given a ~/.logrc like this:

           # .logrc - default log(1) arguments, handy predicate shortcuts

               --style compact
               --last 1h
               --info      # turn back off with --no-info
               --no-debug  # turn back on with --debug

               app 'process == "application"'
               errors 'process == "application" and messageType == error'
                   'process == "application" and '         # adjacent strings
                   'subsystem == "com.example.support"'    # get merged

     log show would automatically run as though the arguments

           --style compact --last 1h --info --no-debug

     were passed in.  Explicit options will override the arguments provided by
     ~/.logrc.  Furthermore, running with --predicate app would be the same as

           --predicate 'process == "application"'

     The syntax of the ~/.logrc file made of comments, section headers, options,
     words, and single-quoted strings.  Comments start with the hash character
     and run to the end of the line.  Otherwise, contents are whitespace-

     The structure of the ~/.logrc file is broken into sections.  Section
     headers are specified by a word and a colon.  There are three kinds of
     sections.  The show: and stream: sections operate similarly.  Their
     contents are literal options and arguments that will be passed to the
     respective command as if they were entered on the command line.  The
     predicate: section creates aliases for predicates.  It is made up of pairs

           word 'predicate'

     where word is a combination of letters (presumably a simple, easy-to-type
     one) and predicate is some filtering logic, as described in the PREDICATE-
     BASED FILTERING section above.  The predicate is delimited by single
     quotes, but adjacent quoted elements are "glued" together; this helps in
     making long predicates easier to read and write.

     os_log(3), os_trace(3)

Darwin                            May 10, 2016                            Darwin